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Matt gave me a glass with a faint yellow-y tinged transparent drink and a straw so of course I took a big ol' slurp from it, assuming it was a fruity-flavored water, but NO. 



It was a canned mojito? I actually shrieked when my taste buds spiked on that weirdo fermented off-taste. I mean, it's not bad. It's actually nice! But I drink alcohol so infrequently that... mother. If my tolerance were a person, it would stand as high as my knee. Which is to say: my tolerance? She is low.

I've got about 1/5th of this devil's drink left and you know what they say: blog while the mild alcohol buzz is hot.


(It is Morris & Co, Fruit, for anyone who needs it for their own sewing project. No affiliate link or anything! I'm just sayin'. Isn't it weird how Professional Internetists have to specify when we don't have a connection to a product that we recommend now? Sometimes we just genuinely wanna share a thing with people and we aren't even gunna gain anything from it. My job is weird. It's made a lot of things in my life weird.)

Oh no. 

The buzz is being replaced with sleepiness. 

Fast, Erika. Work fast. 

You know what is the opposite of fast?

Cutting out the pieces of a stays pattern. 

Holy shit. 

This literally took hours. 


Fortunately I was with my Historical Costuming Sewing Club (not our actual title, because we don't have one yet) so I had good company and also sewing babysitters to tell me what I needed to do next and how to do it without fucking up too badly. 

For instance, they pointed out that I needed to be mindful about where the fabric's print design would land on my body so I don't accidentally position the cluster of orange pomegranates right over my nipple-zone, like an awkward boob pasty. This is a prospect that had not even occurred to me! This is why you should work with experienced historical costumers!! So you don't make a fool of yourself with your accidental nipple-pasty stays fabric pattern!

When I first brought home this fabric, I laid it out flat on the floor and tried out this pinch and twist technique I'd seen so I could take an interesting picture of it for you guys here. But before I'd even opened up my camera app:


She just dive bombed it. 

She wasn't even sorry. 

Like, not even a little bit.

God, there's something I keep almost writing, but I'm in the middle of posting a picture or finishing writing something else, and then when I finish the previous task I absolutely cannot remember what I was going to write. 

Oh wait! I remember! HISSY FIT.

I thought of a name for our sewing group? Hissy Fit? But I don't think it fits our vibe so I was too embarrassed to suggest it. But. "Hissy" as in: short for "Historical (Costume)" and "Fit" as in... Well, I mean, we're making clothes to fit, you know? But, again, the vibe's not really right for our specific group, I don't think. So, if you are starting your own historical costuming group, this is my gift to you: Please help yourself to the name Hissy Fit. Free of charge. No affiliate link.

It kinda sounds like a good name for a historical costumer roller derby group, actually. Somebody, please make that happen. 

Ok, the buzz is fully worn off and work is tomorrow so.......................

Good night.




I love this so much, and I love how much enthusiasm Tig brings to all your projects. She's so supportive!


Oh wow, very pretty fabric!

Devon McGuire

Cats dive bombing fabric from NO WHERE is actually weirdly one of my favorite things? They're so wiggy about it! And unrepentant. Also hooray for this project! That fabric is *chefs kiss*


Wahaha I love how Tig hits it with such force that the fabric sliiiides with her in on it

The Ferret

Oo this is *such* pretty fabric! And Suure you don't want stays with a boob-pasty? ;) For real though, they're gonna look so pretty and yay for helpers! Even if Tig is a touch overenthusiastic about it hahaha

Clare K. R. Miller

Wow, what wonderful fabric for stays! And I love the name Hissy Fit! I want to start a historical sewing group to use it… and also because I love historical costuming…