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Here's my round-up of projects and posts from April! 

Y'all ready for some Vintage Erika Comics? This one comes fresh out of the oven circa 2003ish, when I was experiencing my very first heartbreak as a 19/20-year-old. (7 pages)

One of my favorite writers, Lux Alptraum, and I teamed up again to explain complex topics in easy-to-understand comics, this time breaking down what exactly “trauma” is, how it functions, and how to begin recovery. (Check out Lux’s very smart and incisive Substack on bisexuality, too: The B+ Squad)

Of course I turned a straight-forward photo-report on the growth progress of my lemon tree’s leaves into a reflection on housing people in my guest room, both friends and near-strangers, and struggling to actually use the mental health tools I spent practically a year of my life learning at the hospital, and Tig’s little vampire fangs. You can’t write about indoor potted lemon trees and just leave that other stuff out!

I hand-sewed and embroidered some 18th century pockets! And used a spray bottle of Insect Killing Soap as a size comparer and weight tester, just like how they did in the 18th century!

Wild raspberry shoots have been marching across my backyard and colonizing my vegetable beds; the results are just beautiful.

Progress continues on my totally ridiculous way-too-ambitious collaborative fiber art project that I’m making with input from my patrons! Here are a selection of sketches I’ve made to illustrate the responses submitted by my contributors.

Volume Two of Oh Joy Sex Toy was added to the Bookworm tier, bringing the total digital book count up to seven titles that are worth ~$45 when bought individually but are only $20 total for patrons. Feel free to bump up your pledge just to snag the books and then reduce back down to your regular amount for the next month's billing, that's totally cool with me.

But really, my month was utterly consumed with the Oh Joy Sex Toy pledge drive, so I’m gunna include links to those posts from the OJST Patreon as well, especially since me/my work is included in a buncha them.

Plus there were all the regular OJST comics we posted that month: Sex Toy Care by Jey Pawlik, Becoming Molly by Molly Skyfire, the afore-mentioned Trauma by Lux Alptraum and Erika Moen, and The Duchy by Hien Pham.

Alright my loves and my doves and my cats named Tig, thus concludes a very productive and very taxing month. Thanks for being here.




Devon McGuire

Please tell all cats named Tig hello for me

The Ferret

So many good things this month! n_n


I love all your comics and everything you do with your hands. And I must say that everything new is well forgotten old, I definitely praise your 18th Century Pockets. This is just a super life hack!