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This is my first day of feeling comparatively better since I got knocked off my ass by Covid (first time around for me! I only coughed up a little blood, hardly worth mentioning U_U) 

You remember that I am obsessed with the late 1980s fantasy princess doll, Lady LovelyLocks, right? I've got that whole Instagram account documenting my totally healthy and normal collection of LLL artifacts and my own hand drawn fanart?

Look at that. How do you see that kind of artistic perfection and not get obsessed? (Above illustration by Maria Gamiere)

Covid brain is making it hard to say what I'm trying to say. Just get to the point, Erika. 

Some months ago, I saw a prompt list for one of those monthly creative challenges on Instagram. I used it as an inspiration point for drawing Lady LovelyLocks fanart because of fucking course I did. At first I was gunna share all of them together in this post along with how I made them but that was, like, way too many pictures, even for me. So. 

Here is just the first one and I am intending to, at some point, make entries for the rest. 

Word Prompt: Pink

Obviously this had to be LLL herself because this is kind of her signature color

Rather than color my illustration myself, I wanted to put some of my beautiful decorative papers to use. I have so many and I use them so infrequently. It's a shame that no one gets to see them.

My piece was designed to show off my fancy paper through negative space.

I very carefully cut against my linework and then tried out a variety of papers behind it to find my favorite. 

They all worked, I think, but the pink with delicate white lacy flowers design was my fav.

Matt just walked in and asked what I'm doing so I told him I'm updating my Patreon with LLL fanart and he asked "...Does that make them happy?" and I told him "They're happy that I'm happy." even though I don't know if that's actually 100% true. 

Here is a photo of my from yesterday after some friends dropped off a care package for me. Matt arranged all the contents of the delivery around/on me to send our friends this thank you picture and this is how I want all of you to remember me, too. Sweaty, masked inside my own home because my breath is poisonous to those around me, nestled up to a hot rotisserie chicken, covered in boxes of tea, popsicles, flowers, balloons, and a bag of oranges. Behold me in my truest form:



Devon McGuire

I am ALWAYS happy when you are happy. I love seeing all the things you're doing because it inspires me to think about (and maybe even do!) my own things. ALWAYS show us what makes you happy because it's the most important! Also BOOOOOO Covid. Hope your recovery is swift and easy! We love you!

Agnes Leguillon

I'm happy that you're happy ! :3