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Daaaang, I think this is the biggest chapter so far? 18 pages! I mean, to be fair, one of those pages is blank and the other one is just a sketch I did of my alligator head I drew at the time that I got it. Here, wanna see it next to my original notes that I took in class?

This is also the chapter that I am the least set on. A couple of my most favorite segments of the book are in here (The conversation with the crocheting patient and that time I stunk up our meditation real bad), but also there's a lot of bloat in here just information-wise, so I already know I'll want to redistribute some of this stuff across the other chapters when I start revising.

Right now I just need to get all the STUFF down on the page and then when I finish this first draft, I'll come back with an editor's eye (and hopefully an actual editor!) to shift things around and get it into fighting shape as its own book.

(The picture that I took on the same day I received my little crochet mouse, August 27, 2019)

I didn't give Flapjack (RIP) the little crochet mouse. For one, he was a mean drunk on catnip and, for two, I didn't want it to get torn up! So it's lived on my home studio shelf all these years, nesting behind a big art book. My heart gets all warm every time I re-find it, it's one of my special treasures.

Here's the alphabet sheet I filled out for class. I appreciate the "will" that the designer added to the title. If it had just read "I like myself A to Z!" I would have felt some real hostility while working on it, but that "will"- "I will like myself A to Z!"- this is a paper that is meeting me where I am.

Like I said in the comic, I just have one more day at Space Camp left to record! Day Ten. And then I've got an epilogue to draft up, so this story doesn't just suddenly end without some concluding thoughts and closure.

Two more chapters.

I've got two more chapters to go.




Omg, I died laughing over the meditation fart. 😂 It was such a good moment, I needed that. 💜