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Content Advisory: This chapter depicts  violence, depression, and suicidal ideation.

These last two chapters were really hard to make. I don't think it was because of the content matter, since all the previous ones were about the same topics. But, yeah, really struggling to translate my Space Camp notes into the comics lately.

My general rule is to just forge ahead and not start making edits on these chapters yet, not until I get to the end of the first draft of this book. BUT! I mislaid some of my notes and I realized this chapter really did need the new first page based on them. So I added it and then had to re-number all the following pages. SIGH. ......Aaaaaaand since I was already making that change... certainly it couldn't hurt if I just... tweaked and spiffed up a few other things that were bugging me. The rest of the changes are really minor, except for this one.

The page formerly known as 81 just felt too open and free-floating for the moment I was trying to capture, so for the re-christened page 82 I added some panel borders to show social boundaries and coming through them. I think it shows the intimacy better now.

Ok! Now for reals! I'm not allowed to mess with these pages again until I finish the first draft of the whole book!!!




Going through all of the letters from space camp now that I have the time (I don't, I'm procrastinating, but I'm enjoying every second of it anyway darn it). This chapter in particular was intense to read and I LOVED your visuals, from the shattering visuals during the affirmations section (I resonated so strongly with your thinking) to the feeling of floating hopelessly through the sea. Thanks so much for illustrating all of this. It's beautiful, relatable, beyond interesting to see your perspective, and powerful to read <3


Thank you so, so much for making the time to read it and for sharing your kind words ♥