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Originally published on my first Patreon on May 21, 2020 

About a month after this, we legitimately did have to go to my office downtown to collect the checks that are sent to my business address. And, y'know. Since we were there...

I just love a story with a happy ending :')

(Leggings bought on sale from Ambrie.com after a very well-targeted ad on Instagram was placed in my feed. Well played, The Algorithm. Well played.)


Before commenting: Please remember that this is a conversation that happened BEFORE LOCKDOWN went into place in Oregon and it was just a suggestion at that time that folks stay home if they could. And when we made the single trip downtown a month later to collect our mail, I went inside with protective gear, alcohol wipes, and an abundance of caution.

By which I mean, please, please hold back on sending me a lecture about safety or COVID-19 <:) We've been in quarantine for over 70 days now, we've all learned a lot since this started in March ♥️



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