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Originally published on my first Patreon account April 9, 2020

Hey look, I did it! I drew another autobio comic! Maybe... Maybe I really can keep this up.

I know the big question you're all asking is "Dude, do you actually have an octopus dress?" and the answer is YOU TELL ME.

Cassie Anderson gave me this illustration of a girl in an octopus dress many, many years ago and Matt was like "You need an octopus dress" and I was like "Haha! Yeah!" and then forgot about it. Matt then secretly reached out to local dressmaker Miriam Chin to see if she could make it happen for my 28th birthday. And guess what? SHE DID.

Also, oh my god. I wore the sequin dress for ONE day on March 23rd and here it is April 9th and THERE ARE STILL SEQUINS EVERYWHERE. Fucking EVERYWHERE. I regularly wake up with sequins stuck to me in places where there definitely weren't sequins when I went to bed. They're in the bathtub drain strainer. They're on the floor in literally every room of the house. New ones reappear when I unroll my yoga mat each morning even though I got rid of the ones that were there yesterday. I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW.

What can I say?


Here's the rest of my outfits from the comic:

I didn't take a proper glamour shot of my pajamas, but here's a reference picture that I used to draw the last autobio comic, Where to Start, in which I am wearing the pants.

See? I really do have ladybug boots!

Ok. That's it. Next comic is a personal one I drew in 2017 and never colored... UNTIL NOW. That's my task today, adding color to this comic so I can share it with you next week.

Take care, friends. Do what you need to get through the day. Maybe that means dressing up in a Halloween costume ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You do you, baby.



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