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  • 2023-10-17_16-06-42.mp4



Hi everyone,

Our deepest apologies for the delay in all the updates. We wanted to give you guys an updated blowjob system, but went further to develop a whole new penetration system.

New Penetration System

Our new penetration system will be able to be used for multiple use-cases such as the vagina, mouth, handjob, and so on.. The possibilities are endless! In the thumbnail you will see an example on how we could use this to stroke the penis in order to increase the cum bar.

New System Structure

We are also structuring our project completely from scratch to have a solid base to work on. Previously everything was a mess and spaghetti code, but right now everything is organized really well, making it easier for developers to come in and help.

New Dynamic Sounds

One thing I am really excited to show you guys is our dynamic sound system. Previously, a sound would just start looping when ever you penetrated, however, with this new system the sound speed will play depending on how fast you move, making things feel way more snappy and interactive. A sample can be viewed in the attachments below

New Game Spin-off

While we are working on the new penetration system, and improving the structure of our system, we have also started working on a new mini-game (see thumbnail). In this game you will be able to do what ever you want with a sleeping girl, as long as she doesn't wake up, so you will have to be careful or its game over! More information and prototypes of this game will be released soon. 

Thanks again for staying subscribed and your patience!



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