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Doodles from monday's HSD session and some WIP stuff.


First we have our big cow boy Cecil trying not to break a chair he's wanting to sit in. Chairs are a thing int he campaign. You had to be there. Maybe ... 5-ish minutes, because the scene was moving along quickly at the time X3

In the second, Keira's giving the newest addition to the crew some reassurance, which was cute enough I felt it warranted a doodle.


Moving on to business related stuff:

First up, a rough concept for a character piece I've been asked of a father/daughter memory from happier times in someone's life. We'll see where it goes, but the second version has been approved for continuation in any case :3

Then we have a Rosie tribute for a guy from Fluffcat's Guild buddies. His Charr girl being a goof, as cats are want to be.

Next we have a bunch of exploratory sketches for a return customer on a Gundam of all things. Now, I'm not familiar with any of the lore and I don't care to be either, but of all the japanese stompy bots I've seen, Gundams are by far the most ugly - this wouldn't be an issue, if I weren't being asked to retain the ugly bits of the design aesthetic XD ah well, taste is subjective and all that. The rifle I can at least get behind (hurrhurr)

Moving on, we have a lovely set of 12 rough sketches for something me and Tankana will be working on for a bit. She provided me with a wide selection of poses to pick from and I scratched over those and adapted them for the image series. Keep your eyes peeled for more of this in the future.

And lastly we have this month's "Finish This Imish" vote winner, with two WIPs. This one's fighting me a bit, although I suppose it would be more correct to say that I'm the one fighting it, because I've let my hooman drawing skills atrophy to the point where I'm now hesitant with every bit of advancement I make <_< anyway, I think it's coming along alright. Gonna work on it some more later today, see if I can push it to the point where I can start bringing in colors.


This concludes doodle uploads for now. I might have more to show still, since we have a bit over a week to go in the month, but I suspect most of that is gonna be spent on finishing what's already there, not starting up new stuff.

I'll be uploading the next "Finish This Imish" poll in a moment to get that underway.

Hope you're all doing well otherwise :3





HSD sounds like fun stuff! i can only imagine how ridiculous such a scene must have been, that's what i love with RP like that, you never know what happens, and they give the best memories

Tygon Panthera

22 imagines! Wow! Sorry about the fast change of scene... I'll try to give you more time from now on ;) Seriously though, I really appreciate those sketches. Not that I'm truly responsible for them, but I think I had a hand in facilitating them. They are helping the game a lot. I cannot imagine what it is like having to draw something you really don't like. Although certain miniatures really make me dislike painting skulls... so maybe it's a little like that. Very nice bunch of Tankana sketches. I'm curious to find out what comes out of this. The "Finish This Imish" look good too. I'm sure you can those hooman drawing skills up to speed again :)

Tygon Panthera

It was quite amusing. I think there's potential for chairs (or their lack of) to become a bit of a running gag :) And yes, HSD is definitely fun stuff.