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- " 'you takin' all these pictures for?"
. "Makin' sure I have something to remember all this by."
- "Oh I'm sorry, I thought what just happened here was pretty memorable by itself."
. "Heh."
- "So ... do I pretend this never happened when I get to my bunk? ... Or is this gonna be a more ... regular occurence?"


Alrighty, so my badger girl Keira has spawned something of a character art binge in me - thanks a lot Tygon 9w9

For those unfamiliar with the HSD universe; post-human sol system is colonized in a big way and space travel and life, while still slower than light (mostly), is common place. There's no representative government, but instead several mega corps that both own and operate just about everything, either by themselves or through the millions of tiny subsidiary companies throughout the system.

Amidst all this, Keira is essentially a fugitive on the run, after an "accident" at her former employer on Titan killed just about everyone she knew, including her fiancé. Her most recent home was in Lawson, a small township operating a freight and passenger terminal on Ganymede. She claims to be a Ganymede native as part of her cover to protect herself from whatever happened on Titan, and Lawson is one of those quiet backwaters where people don't ask a lot of questions, which was one of her primary motivators for settling there in the first place.

A decade down the line from when she arrived, she's managed to make friends inspite of herself. Sally and Eric, whom we've seen in a previous post, suspect Keira might not be everything she claims be, but everybody's got secrets in the end, and they respect eachother enough to not go digging around in eachothers' underwear drawers.

Eric does end up getting involved with Keira's underwear though. While he's not love, he is good company, and the raccoon staying over at her hab-unit does end up being a "more regular occurence" through the years.

Aside from staying out of any major headlines, Keira enjoys cooking. Given the ready availability of processed foodstuffs it's somewhat of an usual thing in the world of post-humanity, but people in her vicinity learn to grow fond of it pretty quickly, as she's developed quite a hand for it. The picture was very likely candidly snapped by either Sally or Eric at one point when they stayed over at her place.

Finally we have a little projection Keira carries around in the holo-locket her fiancé gifted her back on Titan. The two of them at an indistinct location, having a good time, back when life was still unburdened.

That's about what I'm gonna be sharing here as far as background specifics go. More may well be revealed as time passes and I get around to doodling more candid "photographs" from her history - and potentially her exploits in the campaign :3


I thought I'd have enough time to do all the uploads today, but it turns out I have to hop out here in a moment, so I'll leave uploading the T1 sketches for tomorrow.

I also have some administrative polls to throw your way again, so keep your ears to the ground!




Tygon Panthera

You're welcome :D Fantastic pictures. Nice attention to detail, changing the angle between the second and third one slightly. As well as catching him with this eyes closed. Considering how short a blink it, that happens strangely often. Cooking in HSD is a topic that continues to amuse me :) Regardless, looking at that "photo" does make me hungry... Hopefully I can help giving more proverbial fuel. I'm starting to feel better, so I should be able to start working on getting that campaign going soon.


Thank you =^w^= I'm glad you like them, even if they serve no real structural purpose to the campaign. I still look forward to playing her and see where she gets to.