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I thought I'd have more to show for myself at this point, and there is at least two rendered things that'll be posted either later today or tomorrow, but this is all I can share for now, before I have to head out into the cold that is the real world =w=

Anywho; first we have a new character (yay) whom I'm currently still developing, but I am tentatively calling her Keira for now. She's a result of some degenerate furry approaching me about playing in some degenerate furry RPG - imagine the audacity -  so of course I agreed :b
In all seriousness, she'll be my first Hc Svnt Dracones character and she''ll likely receive more art in the future, assuming she survives long enough to have anything of her drawn 9w9

Next we have further exploration doodles of the liatrd folk for fluffcat (yay for those of you who were fans previously :3). We ended up going for a posture somewhere between the original highly anthro-ed and the more raptorian thing, which I think looks pretty good. Of course, a penis had to be drawn.

And finally we have a couple' doodles of Benelli getting herself massaged by a random 'ooman. I did a joke doodle of the guy packing a giant meat-tenderizer for the job, because why wouldn't I - Fluff demanded I keep it, which I would have anyway, but I feel it warrants showing off cuz it's funny X3


Anywho, I hope everybody's doing alright.

Stay safe and all that <3





The massage scenes are sweet and also very silly. Love it!


Looking great! and oooh that massage looks good, use them feets too!