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I loved all the suggestions this time around and I'm glad I expanded the opportunity to include the T1-ers aswell. Aside from also including more people in the suggestions for more variety, it also seems to have motivated more of you to participate, which I love :3

Now, I don't actively jump on opportunities to draw my own characters, but I'm not going to turn them down either, so have Alecto looking a good deal less dignified than she usually would. Better hope she doesn't figure out you're looking.

Not 100% the prompt, since this is probably not what was meant with an "outdoor" shower , though kudos to anyone who can tell me what it actually is X3


Then we have the process on our "BIG" cat image. You can very easily tell the adaptations I made from the original sketch to fit the new narrative. I didn't think too deeply on that btw, just that everybody's chilling next to some kind of large rock and the big'un wanted some shade for her head or something.

Some things I had wondered about was what sort of material her clothes could be made of. I eventually settled on elephant hide for the "cloth", before it occured to me in the middle of the process that she's unlikely to be the only "big" creature running around.

Another thing that occured to me while I was working, but which I then disregarded, was the potential risk of backlash by drawing all these indigenous people very cliché like. Granted, it's not like I draw them with funky hairstyles or bone adornments, but I have seen complaints about depictions of stylized tribalism even as neutral as this, so ... egh

I spent a good bit of tuesday and all of yesterday rendering this to what it is now, while having Blade Runner 2049 run in the background (only yesterday). I am overall very happy with how it turned out, but it does show I desperately need to practice my humans, both in drawing and painting >.< Perhaps I'll do some studies to that end soon, even though I can't say I'm feeling the topic much XD


Anyway, onwards to new things. Next page of Royal Escort should be completed some time next week. Aside from that, I'm just plugging away at things and will share as they become available =w=




Tygon Panthera

Yeah, it would make sense that if someone as big as her is around then there would also be creatures big enough to sustain her. Not that one needs to put that much thought into pictures of kitties :) Unless you're world-building, of course. Anyway, thanks for sharing the sketches. Nice work on the shower sketch as well. Looks a bit like a decontamination shower.


The shower scene has a wonderful vibe to it!