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So this post is way out of wack in terms of timing on all accounts. Some of these were done a while ago and were waiting for things to happen before posting, others were only done last night, and the third element is me being unable to sleep yet again and writing this post as 3:30am - don't worry, I'm right back to bed after this. I just want to use the time I'm going to be awake anyway constructively X3

So, here we go ...


First we have that sketch suggestion "winner" in Tygon, both by popular demand and just being what came to mind the easiest. I loved all the suggestions for their concept, so they might be strong contenders for future instances too, but I tend to go with the image that immediately makes my gears turn at the time of reading.

Next we have a whole slew of sketches for Fluffcat. 

You'll remember from a month or so ago that post about trying to design a kobold-like species. I took a look back and didn't find these particular sketches posted yet, but I honestly forget which parts of this progress I've already posted, because it's an ongoing thing and I seem to have gotten my posting folders mixed up - so I apologize if you've seen this particular set already X3

First we have more shape-finding. I originally doodled a more classical bipedal structure, before Fluff had me lean more into a raptor adjacent build. We also ended up deciding on a dick shape (I do remember posting the page of dicks). Then we have some color exploration and experimentation with aesthetics and style. Fluff specifically wanted there to be a strong color variation between the male and female sexes to reflect the intricacies of many real life reptilian species.

And lastly for Fluff, we have a set of sketches meant as little gifts for folks in his Guildwars vicinity and just general funsies. His charr Benelli getting kitty face smooshed, very much leaning on something similar I did years ago with my little fennec guy, for those who remember - her reaction is just a little more ... contained.
Then we have a secret alternate ending to that HumanXBenelli comic from ... Seeeeptember(?). It isn't really. He just wanted me to draw a human hand in a charr hand and the doodle just sort of happened by extension.
The last two in Fluff's set are two of his guildmates' characters in interactions, though if I understood this right, the last one is based on real events experienced by the guild players during a raid in a particular area X3

And to finish off all the sketchiness, other doodles that have happened;

First we have a friend's character, Battu, doing a somewhat uninspired spread of her bits. Said uninspiredness stems from it's creative process. I wanted to draw soft bits being manipulated, so I did, and we're both happy with the results (me and Gillpanda that is).

Then I have some more Meg exploration. Looks like she caught herself yet another bunny. She seems to be a lot nicer to this one than her last catch. Again, not a lot of thought behind this, but I figure that's okay ;3

And finally, at the very end, we have a doodle concept for some potential future anti-propaganda fan art. I tend to browse youtube videos while working, sometimes music, sometimes info stuff. I happened across closet-furry Sabrespark and a video he did about a year ago, about the DPRK's children's animated propaganda TV show (yes, that is a thing) Squirrel and Hedgehog, by SEKStudios.
Within the second season of this impressively violent kids show, the producers decided the best way to depict the collective west as morally corrupt, devious and dangerous, was to package the totally-not-a-US-officer in the shape of a curvy and very decidedly feminine character called Lt. Fox Vixen ... so furries did what we do best and she's referred to as Officer e621 in Sabresparks' video for absolutely relevant reasons.
To honor this wonderful, wonderful concept I'm thinking I might actually make an exception in '24 and jump on the 4th of July bandwagon with an appropriately adapted Lt. Vixen reminding us why, despite all our faults, the west is still the best ;3


Anyway, that concludes uploads for the sketches. There is one more set of uploads for T2 and T3, but I'm going to be doing those tomorrow, because I want to give sleep another go now.

For the T3 members, remember that there's only 2 more days left to vote on this coming month's "Finish This Imish" poll, so if you want to participate, make sure to do it before sunday cuts you off!




Tygon Panthera

That is pretty much exactly the kind of otter diving picture I was imagining! <3 Lovely, lovely bunch of sketches. I can think of a few people who'd go nuts for those kobold-esque critters :) And while I'm not a big fan of Charr myself (or rather Guild Wars in general, and for completely personal reasons), those pictures are really nice. Oh, and I hope the bunny will make it out of that encounter intact :)

Tygon Panthera

Huh... for some reason it cut of everything but the first line from my previous post. Um... kobold-esque critters. Very cute. I think of a couple of people who'd really like them. Charr. Not my thing (various personal reasons), but very nice pictures. Meg and bun. Hope he'll make it out of there in one piece :) Lt. Vixen. I vaguely remember hearing about that show, but not this character. Very interesting.