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So I checked back to make sure and I actually didn't forget to upload anything here, which is both reassuring and somewhat confusing to me, because I don't feel I had a lot of output in November.

What I haven't shared yet are the PSD files of whatever I did complete, so that's due in a big upload soon. Other than that though, I'm just gonna continue to plug along as I can.


Here we have progress on Page 2 of RE, Definition and a little bit of value (though by no means truly final). I'm liking the look so far :3

One of the more involved things on this (and the next) page is coming up with and implementing a good interface for the desk display, and whatever weird space instant messenger they're using to communicate with eachother.
To that end I made a little contact list for Ayn to tap a finger on when she gets messaged, with both familiar and random contacts, though I'll probably run the list by Fluff for any changes he would want. I am trying to do an accurate representation of both our worlds, even if this is a lemon :b

The last two things are just doodles. The first one I'll have some explaining to do for when I advance on it, because I do want to work that up into something showcase worthy. The second one is just Meg being Meg in some studies I did for funsies :3


Anyway, off to sleep and back to stuff tomorrow, as my sickness allows =w=




Tygon Panthera

Cute maus! :) Page looks good. The contact list is amusing ("Just try not to start any wars" :D )