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Alright, so we are having another vote for the rest of this week, just not about what style to finish Royal Escort in. I'm making this announcement visible to everyone to make sure we all know what's going on.

While I was shopping around for engagement ideas, someone suggested I have a super high tier voting on sketches to spruce up into finished level artwork.

I don't have enough of the suggestion sketches yet to have enough of a catalogue to choose from, so I pulled together a bucket of old things that were abandoned for one reason or another and offering those up for finishing instead.

Also, since I don't currently have a super high tier (yet) the plan is to allow voting for the current T3 members and then for Tx members whenever I get to implement that, presumably in 2024. I still have that coffee card deal and the discord server to work out first.

The plan is for these finishing votes to happen once a month, giving me enough time between them to actually finish up the pretty versions before the next one comes around, while the sketch suggestions will continue to run alongside this to provide material for the future. Eventually the pool of sketches old and new would be combined, creating a nice audience participation loop, where the suggestions eventually feed into the finishing votes.

That's the idea anyway. We'll see how this works out.



Tygon Panthera

That's a cool idea! I like it.