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Heya everybody!

So there hasn't been a lot of showable productivity from my side this month - "yet". What I mean by that is that I've been busy doing a bit of prep work.

Last month, when I showed off some of the concepting I'd done for si'itian uniforms as background stuff for Royal Escort, it occured to me that I have wanted to do some lore showcasing material for the longest time, and I got the feeling many of you were wanting for that kind of stuff too. 

So I asked Neia to do us a little rundown of si'itian rank and uniform structure and she was very happy to oblige (so what I'm actually doing is a little presentation along the lines of Fluff's AskAraStuff format, because why not rip off a working system).

Depending on you guys' reaction, I might do more of these, and I might even make it another votable perk, as in offer up topics for a lore dump or whatever. We'll see. I'm hoping to have the uniform and rank stuff done by the end of the week.

For now, I'm going to be sketching up further pages for Royal Escort and share those, along with a poll on how to continue with the comic thing - keep sketching, work in batches, page at a time, w/e.

You guys stay safe <3




I really like that. I have always loved the way you draw your Si'itian armours and uniforms. I believe i saw a comment once that VERY much holds true when it comes to you "Your armours look both good AND practical, they serve their function AND looks comfortable to wear". I would like my armours and uniforms designed by Si'itae. It would be looked upon as a high quality brand.


I think I remember the comment you're talking about, though I fail to remember which submission it was on specifically - also a little too involved to dig it up with 1000+ submissions at this point X3 I'm sure a designer would be willing to work with provided tech, so long as they didn't have to resort to using anything proproetary.


This looks interesting. If we're doing AskNeiaStuff, do you want questions at some point?


Potentially, yes. I saw the AskARAStuff tumblr crash and burn from overload back in the day, so I'm going to be thinking about safeguards against that, but I see no reason why Neia couldn't answer audience questions in some future :3


Dam she’s fine, that suit is dope as well she can fly me around anytime :p