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So here's the result of that sketch suggestion thing from last week. Turns out I did not manage to push that out before the end of the month =w=

Grats to Caccia, who suggested I draw a furrified Imperial Assassin.

I originally thought the topic would warant drawing all four (core) assassins, but I ended up disliking all the others I doodled so much, I only gave this one a little more polish and called it done. In case it's not self-evident, I decided to put a Snowy Owl in the role of a Culexus Assassin. I decided to forego the Culexus' usual giant head aparatus (Animus Speculum for those curious), both for style and practicality reasons.


Small update on the current situation.

October wasn't the kindest of months in any capacity. Apparently whatever I caught at the start of the month decided to come back on the weekend and I'm going to be looking into getting a time with my doctors at the earliest opportunity.
Concerning my hospitalized relative; they're doing good and are projected to be released on friday, so that situation is cooling off for now aswell - fingers crossed.

The comic voting went about how I suspect it would. One of the things I had been thinking about was whether it would make sense to put the actual focus comic up for a vote every month, and I saw some of you voiced similar opinions, despite having an interest in some of the other projects too. I see there's definitely engagement with the vote, but I'm not sure whether it wont feel somewhat token after a while, so I'm considering introducing a change of some kind there, however I'm not entirely sure what I could/should do - any suggestions are appreciated for consideration.

Aside from that, I am going to be doing the sketch suggestions every other week, as announced previously and I'll try and put some good emphasis on comic work this month. While maybe not too kind health wise, October did turn out to be fairly lucrative and I might be able to sideline commission work for a week or two, depending on a papertrail I have to follow up before making that decision.


That should cover all the bases for now.

As usual, I'll keep you updated on current events and thank you for your contribution!

Please stay safe everybody!




Tygon Panthera

Unexpected... but well received :) Not to mention rather amusing. Well done! I hope everything will be alright health-wise.


What a badass concept! I hope you won't mind if I drew additional art at some point of this guy Here's to hoping that the next few months are the opposite of this one and that things will go easier than expected


Knock yourself out. I'm not attached to the concept in any possessive way X3 Thank you ^^