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I did say I was gonna be working on these this month.

I actually had progress done on these much sooner, but then real life stuff happened and I forgot to share these. I haven't been able to put more work into them just now as other commissions have taken priority on deadlines, but these aren't due for a while anyway =w=

I'm a little apprehensive about how I wanna proceed with these. The pin up example I'd referenced on the previous upload has no shading and I'm kinda wondering whether these are going to shine as much without having at least a little bit of light work done, but I also don't have any experience in rendering more simplisticly (for lackof a better word) - might have to go shopping for some more styles to reference.

Hope you guys enjoy :3



Tygon Panthera

Cute squeakies. Well, not all squeakies... but they're cute :) I'm afraid I don't have any advice on the style thing :(