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Heya Dear Patrons!
Last week it was a public holiday so I took the opportunity to touch some grass ... But now it's time to get back to the grind!
Up next, we will have Ollie ... Just the head!?
I have this idea for some time, and now since we're harnessing the power of animation, it's time to execute it!
By the way, I apologize in advance if this month's content will be somewhat updated irregularly!
I'm still figuring things out together with the animator on how should we prepare the artwork and how do we wanna work on it.
Until next update, stay hydrated~!



Androo Gnoix

You gotta do hentai with a darker skin gal sometime plz


Sure thing Androo! Once I figure out the animation stuff, we can create anything, including a darker skin gal ;D Any dark skin girl you wanna see?