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Hi Cinders!

This is a video for the Articulating Cinder Wolf Model from the original post: HERE 

Please see how the Cinder Wolf has been pre-supported under the neck. Do NOT add any supports!  After printing, simply break away the supports on the outer part of the neck AND the tiny ball supports under the ring of the neck to get full range of neck movement!

Thank you all! :)




Printed perfect the first try with Creality K1 with no supports and at 100% with Creality Hyper filament. I have had issues when trying to print out anything with silk two tone PLA. I tried slowing everything down and maybe I missed something. Anyone have configs for other filament types to share?


My first one turned out perfect, printed with silver silk PLA. I also made one at 60% with the same filament which turned out perfect as well! Then I tried again yesterday with a different filament at 100% and the jaw on the right side failed and broke off. I used Stronghero galaxy glitter black… his head still turned out ok, he’s just missing his lower right jaw. Printed with my Sovol svo4.


I have the same problem with the wolf's left jaw, very repeatable. Not sure why the bubbly support is there, it doesn't touch the underside of the wolf's head.

Glenelken Homestead

i have had trouble with the neck support, the part that meets the neck didnt print smoothy and as left wispy bits of filament