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This was an OCTOBER Design and has been Archived! If you were subscribed in October, you will receive an email from MyMiniFactory within the week to access the archived files from that month. If you are starting your Subscription in November, Welcome! Your exclusive models are available immediately in the Exclusive posts (link below) and the November Models will be in the November posts tab as they come out over the month! https://www.patreon.com/cinderwing3d?filters[tag]=Exclusives

If you missed this model or any others they are available on MMF for purchase! Please use the Discount code: CinderNov2023




We have updated versions for you all!! Please re-download the 3 new zip files attached in the original post. https://www.patreon.com/posts/wraithwing-91259450

There are now 2 versions of body (loose legs and tighter legs). For those of you having leg snapping issues, PLEASE remember to support the leg at the leg spike when clicking it into place.

INCLUDED is a file for leg tests! Feel free to download and test which leg works best for you before printing the whole dragon! (Smart idea suggested by our awesome test team!)

Also, the wings are tight so over time they don't fall out. If they are too tight for you please shrink by 1% for looser ball socket rotation.

Thank you all for your patience as we made these fixes. I appreciate it!




i just joined and wondering if i download this file from mini factory it will allow me to get all updates on this model?

Alfie Morale

Hi, I haven't received the email to download the archived files yet. I have the v1 dragon file but didn't grab the updated ones


Please email us at (contactcinderwing3d@gmail.com) OR through a Discord ticket and I'll be happy to assist you there


So I downloaded the new files i believe and the dragon still broke on both front legs and the wings wont fit?


Hello, I love your wraith dragon and I have a client asking me for specific mod. Am wonder if can length the tail more longer by 5-7 inch?


Not at this time sorry! We may release it as an offcial mod at a later time hwoever