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Hi Cinders!

There have been a couple concerns regarding Halloween candy this year and we thought it sounded really fun to have a tiny model we could print and put in our bucket instead! We made this Tiny Jumping Spider for our family but it's super cute and thought you all might like it as well! This is just a little Bonus model adding on to the end of the month. ;)

This was designed to be a TINY ARTICULATING SPIDER for cute Trick-or-Treating handouts. It is NOT recommended shrinking it further. Because of it's size, the tolerances are tight and results can change per brand of printer and speed of printing - please test print one on your printer to make sure it has the articulation you want and increase the size percentage accordingly. Color positioned ones in the photos are 110% and the size we are handing out for Halloween in the bowl are at 100%. They feel pretty strong and have a bunch of cute positions!


September Models:

  • BONUS Phoenix Dragon - RELEASED
  • Baby Lunar and Lunarwing - RELEASED
  • Community MODS!! - RELEASED
  • Count Frogula EXCLUSIVE - RELEASED
  • Wicked Dragon - RELEASED
  • Wickedwing Dragon - RELEASED
  • BONUS Tiny Spider - RELEASED



Please see WELCOME POST for questions, all exclusive releases, and links:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/welcome-to-info-71819754

Discord is our MAIN form of communication and way to provide help! Please join our community below: Discord chat HERE: https://discord.gg/cinderwing3d

For any help requests or issues please go through this email: Email (contactcinderwing3d@gmail.com) OR through a Discord ticket!

Thank you, Cinders, for your support!!! And Thank you to our Admin Jazzy and Test Team for all your hard work!




LOVE THESE!!! So happy I became a member for this months! I do have ALOT of requests for these as keychains! Any chance we could keychain them!


These are very cool spiders! But we found that the attachments on the front legs were fragile, perhaps they should be strengthened

Megan Barton

Had an event this past weekend and everyone loved the spooders. We sold out both days

The Gaijin Gringo

I had few trick or treaters this year, but they all adored the spiders! I did them in gitd filament. What I had left over I took to work and my coworkers flipped over them, taking 2 or 3 each to give to their kids. Thanks so much for the design!


Can we get a spider with different hats? :D I bet they would be incredibly adorable!