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Hi Cinders!

Thank you to the following Cinders for all these fun Community MODS! 

*All Community Mods must be pre-approved and like original files, cannot be shared* If we approve a Mod request we will share them through the designated links*

----> Exclusives attached to post below:

  • Nightwing Tadlings - Gemini_X - BELOW
  • Long Rosewing (print at 100% only, approximately 6'11')- notanaftagent - BELOW

----> September Model updated in original post (link below):

  • MMU Lunar and Lunarwing - Skiazos - HERE 

----> Previously released models that have been updated in their original listings:

Thank you all for the support! :) - Tracy


September Models:

  • BONUS Phoenix Dragon - RELEASED
  • Baby Lunar and Lunarwing - RELEASED
  • Community MODS!! - RELEASED
  • Secret Design
  • Secret Design
  • Secret Design



Please see WELCOME POST for questions, all exclusive releases, and links:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/welcome-to-info-71819754

Discord is our MAIN form of communication and way to provide help! Please join our community below: Discord chat HERE: https://discord.gg/cinderwing3d

For any help requests or issues please go through this email: Email (contactcinderwing3d@gmail.com) OR through a Discord ticket!

Thank you, Cinders, for your support!!! And Thank you to our Admin Jazzy and Test Team for all your hard work!



Mike Sprague

is there a "baby" version of the Nightwing? or will there be?


Has anyone actually been able to print the long baby rose? I have scraped 2 off my Bambu, and the slicer keeps giving errors (the model needs to be fixed, manifold edges as well, etc....)


Likely not. The sizes are all pretty covered here! The OG nightwing is effectively the "baby" if we are being honest


It will print with the errors regardless, as the original rosewing also had them. Its just a real tough print, but yes folks so have!


How many colors is the calendar part?


Has anyone tried scaling the long rosewing down? It's too big to fit on my prusa :(


I started to print one at 80% today. I will update how it goes. My machine says about 15 hours left on it. The joints look pretty small, I'm worried it may be a bit 'stiffer' than the full size.


hi all,


I'm new to this. Is there anyway to make the keyring stronger? Have had a few break at the mouth ring part..


I usually do 3 walls and around 25% infill on the keychains if I'm using pla and they seem to hold up well


So I got the Baby Crystalwing in the Black Friday sale last year, is there a way to get the MMU in the bundle?