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This was a JULY Design and has been Archived! If you were subscribed in July you will receive an email from MyMiniFactory within the week to access the archived files from that month. If you are starting your Subscription in August, Welcome! Your exclusive models are available immediately in the Exclusive posts (link below) and the August Models will be in the August posts tab as they come out over the month! https://www.patreon.com/cinderwing3d?filters[tag]=Exclusives

If you missed this model or any others they are available on MMF for purchase! Please use the Discount code: CinderAug23



Hi Cinders!

Hope you all are having a great month!  I'm so happy to bring you these Apple Turtles in time for Fall!  These adorable things are perfect for teachers and festivals! ;)

I have included 3 files:

  • Apple option 1
  • Tilted apple option 2
  • Apple pencil holder (100% holds pencils, but smaller sizes hold other fun things like chapstick)

Tested between 100% - 60%

I really liked the colors in this filament for the apples: Filament


July Models:

  • Tiny Crystal Dragon & Long Tail Version - RELEASED
  • BONUS .3mfs Community Mods  - RELEASED
  • Apple Turtles - RELEASED
  • Secret Design
  • Secret Design
  • Secret Design



Please see WELCOME POST for questions, all exclusive releases, and links:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/welcome-to-info-71819754

Discord is our MAIN form of communication and way to provide help! Please join our community below: Discord chat HERE: https://discord.gg/cinderwing3d

For any help requests or issues please go through this email: Email (contactcinderwing3d@gmail.com) OR through a Discord ticket!

Thank you, Cinders, for your support!!! And Thank you to our Admins (Jazzy and Turk) and Test Team for all your hard work!




Appurtles, Turtapples, Appleturties...? Cool model!


they printed so well