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Hi Cinders!!

Thank you all for supporting me this month!! In the morning of February 1st all January models will be archived. Please make sure to download all models for January and the Cinder Exclusives if you are missing any: Links below!



Supporters for January will be receiving an email from My Mini Factory a few days into the month with a link to the archived files if you happened to miss any. 


February supporters will have immediate access to the Cinder Exclusives and also all February models as they come out.

I have a bunch of fun models coming out in February, including baby dragons! Excited to have you all on this journey with me! Thank you!!


Remember, Patreon messages are always hard to get to so if you have any issues please EMAIL us: (support@cinderwing3D.com) OR open a Discord Ticket with our very helpful Admin Team! https://discord.gg/cinderwing3d




I love this on.

3D Play Makers

I just bought my 14th printer.... I promise I can stop anytime I want.


lol must be able to print a LOT at once :)


Love this