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This was a November Design and has been Archived! If you were subscribed in November you will receive an email from MyMiniFactory to access the archived files from that month. If you are starting your Subscription in December, Welcome! Your exclusive models will be available in the Exclusive posts (easily accessible from the Welcome Post! https://www.patreon.com/posts/welcome-to-info-71819754) This model is available on Cults3D and MMF for purchase!


Hi Everyone! 

So excited to release to you all the Winter Dragon!

This model has a TON of design options and I really tried to give you all a bunch of choices to print! Below are the files included in the Zip:

  • Wingless Short Antlers
  • Wingless Tall Antlers
  • Winged Short Antlers
  • Winged Tall Antlers
  • Snap-in Wings Short Antlers
  • Snap-in Wings Tall Antlers
  • Separate Snap-in Wings

The Snap-in Wings are a new wing system that I am going to be implementing with older AND future models! This greatly helps with 2 of the biggest printing issues my designs have: 

With the tall winged models the wings sometimes break loose during the print resulting in failed wings. This modification will allow you to reprint just the wing tips and snap them in, still giving you the same movement and locking in place as the original wings! In addition, these wings remove the wing "bar" resulting in less wing hinge breakage! (I actually had a failed wing print for the pictures in this post and reprinted JUST the wing tips and it saved the model!)

I hope you all enjoy these models! I would love to hear your feedback!

P.S. The Baby version will be released next month for December!

Resin: Make sure you use the snap in wing option and cure before snapping them in.

PLA: For the above pictures we hot swapped silk white filament with Proto Pasta Sparkly Blue!

November Models:

  • Horned Cindering (released) - Exclusive
  • Holly Cinderling (released) - New button to release soon!
  • Frostphin (Released)
  • Winter Dragon (Released)


Please see WELCOME POST for questions, older releases, and links:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/welcome-to-info-71819754

Discord is our MAIN form of communication and way to provide help! Please join our community below:

Thank you, Cinders for your support!!! And Thank you to our Admins and Test Team for all your hard work!

- Tracy



Dustie Chase

The last tail link witht the snowflake would make great earrings or a necklace or keychain if it can be seperate. Maybe a good bonus?