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Hi Cinders! 

Thank you all so much for all your support! We are so excited for this new month! 

Sorry it's so late but this model is done and I'm really excited to give it to you all tonight! This is just one of more releases coming in the next few days!

This is a remix off of the 3 headed dragon and I think it's adorable, lol! I hope you all enjoy it! 

As always, special thank you to my test team for all their printing to help get this and other models out to you guys as soon as possible! :)

P.S. We will be coming out with a better setup for our website for easier navigation.

Thank you!

- Tracy and Richie




Im so excited to start this one!




It's so adorable!


Ok this has to be my favorite baby dragon ever😍


So adorable! Thank you! I can't wait to make it!


I will be printing this first thing in the morning :)


We love your work, but some of the recent dragons have been only really possible on a resin printer. Very happy to see a more simple dragon with an excellent theme that we can print on an FDM printer! Keep up the good work!


i love these babies!! i love all the babies.... i am still new to printing- but have a question.. when i started printing everything was great, but all of a suddon every filament i use is doing a lot off stringing. like ive never had this issue beffore with this exact same filament. i have not changed any off the setting. since it started i have tried changing the temp of the hot head, the retract on the nozzle... is there any other suggestions on what may help?


that could be any number of things from moisture to temp. I've found when I have a lot of moisture in my filaments they string bad


ok thank you. i will look into getting a filament dryer.. i live in colorado so theres pretty much like 0 humidity so i didnt even think about that..

Pretzel Prints

Oh my gosh. Well this is just too cute. Now I have to print a million of them for my event!!!

Pretzel Prints

I say that you should invest in a simple dehydrator. It has saved my life and my filament. You can also check your retraction settings...but likely you have brittle filament. If you bend it and it snaps... it is time to dehydrate.


IT SOO ADORABLE!!! I can't wait to print this little cutie!


thank you! we do test all models on FDM printers and resin printers. All models are possible with FDM but the wings are tricky with resin, which is why I've stated making attached wings as a separate design option to help resin prints :)


What are the recommended print setting for this?


I printed this last night at 85%. It printed perfectly! I don't know how to share a photo here but I was very impressed! Thank you!


I only know one way of sharing pics here, a program called lightshot. it takes a screenshot and gives it a link. like this. https://prnt.sc/H60IskezcGmo


heres the link to the program, it does a lot more. https://app.prntscr.com/en/download.html


even has an arrow to point at things in the pic. ive used it for years. its safe i promise. Youll love it if youve never had it. you can screenshot any part of your screen. some or all. puts a feather by your time and date to use it, click it then outline what you want copied. if you have questions feel free to ask, it lets us share a pic here if we need to. ttyl

Rebecca Wallent

Uhm I want to know what filament you used though!

William Hargraves

My next print though its a hard toss up between this and the sushi dragon but tomorrow that may not be a problem when my second printer arrives 🤩