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Big thanks to Jazzy one of our new mods on Discord for putting this MMF FAQs together. If you have questions about MMF please look over these questions.   


Q: Do I need to move from Patreon? What if I don't want to switch my pledge to MMF?
A:  No, you do not need to move your pledge. MMF and the website will be the archive for files going forward and will not be posted directly to Patreon however. You will need a MMF account but you do not need to input any card info to MMF if you do not wish!   

Q: Why did you switch?
A: It is much easier to distribute and manage the files through MMF. The files will always be there and no passwords are needed aside from simply having access to MMF.   

Q: What benefits does MMF have?
A: Aside from easier file sharing it opens up many other possibilities such as sales, discounts, free trials, and other goodies that simply are not feasible via Patreon. MMF also has less fees overall. 

Q: I want to stay on Patreon, how do I access my files? And archived files? A:  Every file for the current month will be uploaded to both Patreon and MMF. Everyone has access to download them at this point. Once the month is over the files will be archived. The quickest way to get the archived files will be to make a MMF account. (They are the same files not new files). You will be sent emails to the same email you signed up with Patreon with. Those emails contain redeem links. As stated above you do NOT need to move you pledge but the files WILL be shared via MMF regardless.

Q: I am missing files! What do I do?
A: Please double check the how to redeem files PDF, if you are missing a month of files or anything, message CInderwings3D directly on Patreon or MMF. Please keep in mind an Exclusive models and monthly releases (such as the Rose Turtle) will be under "My Tribes".  

Q: Will I still have a commercial license if I switch to MMF, or if I choose to stay on Patreon? Do I need both?
A: Whether you are on Patreon or MMF, you will have a commercial license! You do not need to subscribe to both.


Dominic Pessagno

wow. thats nice, a big screw you to those of us that support you and dont want to add another platform. this is making me consider dropping this subscription.


Just moved to MMF. Patreon was getting annoying with their two factor authentication every time I tried to log in. Looking forward to continuing to follow you at MMF.


The Trial month email still isn't working.

Shayla Anthony

Agreed. I don't want to use MMF - period. Guess I have to consider my options now unfortunately and find another patreon to support. I assumed initially when this was posted we would have both options but it looks like now that patreon is really being taken away as an option because you have to use MMF to get the files. Not ok.


Thank you, and no I didn't, I only just joined patreon this month but when I click the email it wants to charge me to redeem the trial month on MMF sadly

Justin Garza

I have both anyway. MMF archive releases should be OK. It takes less than a minute to sign up for MMF, even faster if you sign up with Google or Facebook, it costs nothing, and it supports signing in by just clicking one button by checking logins for verification. If people can't get past that, in order to retain the heckin' value that is a $10 commercial Patreon, that's on them IMO.

Shayla Anthony

MMF doesn't offer 2FA. I personally prefer to not utilize sites like this especially for things I pay for. I don't want another account with an unsecure login using social media to manage.

Justin Garza

That's fair, I was mostly referring to getting past that in terms of getting the backups, which only requires an MMF account. No credit cards or purchases.


Email link isn't working for me either. I had an existing mmf account and both email logins for there and here are the same. I click the link but it doesnt change anything on the mmf tribe page and still wants my card details, so worried its trying to charge me for this month.


Same. The email says its for July but when I select it, I get June instead.