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Hi Everyone!! 

Thank you all for your support!! I love hearing feedback and I am so excited for all the future designs we have planned!

ALL Patreon Exclusive Files are on our New Website, and are accessible to Everyone! Please follow the link and "CLICK TO ENTER!" 


All you need to do is sign in with Patreon! 

The link will also show you all of the exclusives available so you will know if you are missing any! If you are missing any past month models those are Archived but still available on Cults3D and MMF!

As Active Patrons you can sell physical prints of any of my models! (doesn't matter if you got them on here, Cults3D, or MMF. The Authorized Seller Badge is also available under the Patreon Exclusives Page, and you can definitely use that in your shop photos! 

Thank you! Please send me a message if I can help clarify anything else! THANK YOU ALL!!!!





Hi How do we report shops selling without the authorized sellers badge?

Kelley Quigley

These models are all so beautiful!! I'm currently printing my first file from you - the Crystal Dragon. I'm not sure if I did something wrong, but it is going to take 5 days!! As of now, it has been going for 92 hours and is 71% complete. Any recommendations for settings so that it doesn't take quite that long, or is that normal? I'm using a Creality Ender.


Layer height: .15mm, Nozzle Size: .4mm..For faster but slight quality drop Layer height .2mm, nozzle .6mm