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Hello everyone! 😊

I wanted to take a moment to connect with all of you! Recently, I've been fully immersed in creating new designs, and to maintain my focus, I've made the decision not to check messages or comments. Unfortunately, some of these messages can be hurtful and disrupt my creative flow, which can be tough on my anxiety. Therefore, I've established dedicated "design time" where I disconnect from social media and my platforms until a design is completed.

I pour long hours into crafting models that are both enjoyable and robust. I understand that there's a mix of opinions regarding the small "variations" I incorporate into my work. While some of you appreciate them, others may find them frustrating. These variations serve as a creative outlet for me, helping me reset and recharge between larger projects. I could keep them to myself and offer three unrelated models each month, but I thought it would be nice to give you all the option to enjoy them.

As for release schedules, I don't have a rigid timeline set in stone. Sometimes unexpected issues arise, whether it's related to a model or personal matters. Regardless, I ensure that you receive at least the three promised designs every month.

I'm entirely self-taught, which means there are occasional challenges that may prolong the process. Being a bit of a perfectionist, I'm known to spend extra time refining a model until it meets my standards. Take, for instance, the Tiny Bunny released in March. It took an additional week to perfect its balance so that it could sit up, but I wanted it to be just right for all of you!

I've come to understand that many of you appreciate updates, even if they're not related to new releases. I'll make a conscious effort to keep you all informed about my progress, even if it's just a brief post to let you know that I'm hard at work!

Lastly, please note that I'm unable to respond to messages on Patreon effectively. For any assistance you need, please feel free to email contactcinderwing3d@gmail.com. Our Admin Jazzy is eager to help you in any way she can. Also, don't forget about our Discord Chat, where you can engage with others, share ideas, and ask questions! We ask that you do not DM us directly, but instead open up a ticket so we can assist. https://discord.gg/cinderwing3d

Thank you all for your support! 😊 




CKC 3D Prints

I have loved all your work!!

Cody Martin

If you don't already know and if we haven't told you already on other social platforms... YOU ARE HANDS DOWN THE BEST DESIGNER ON PATREON .

Nicholas Smith

Thank you For everything you do! Keep up the Great work!

Jake ilovestuffforreal



I am so Blessed to have found your site and was able to become a member. I have seen your works for quite a while. You are AWESOME!!!!

Ivy Oosthuizen

In my opinion, take the time you need, we benefit from it - many of your designs have some of the most robust links that I have come across, making them great for slightly younger kids to play with. Many of the other, very beautiful designs out there are great, but for my older kids who will handle their finely printed and delicate dragons and chameleons with more care, but for a 4 and 5-year-old, I need stuff that can handle being thrown about, handle digging in the sandpit alongside them and in general, being WELL played with :-). Many of your designs fit this requirement to a T, so we are all very thankful for the great amounts of time, effort, and dedication you put into your craft! Thanks!