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New apperance for wolf #12 based on zoroark from pokemon

-Gameplay changes

Enemies now drop hp orbs that restore 5% of your hp

Enemies now drop only 1 xp crystal but it's xp value is relative to the enemy level

Increased enemy block spawn rates

Improved the power of the snake passive from 10% extra enemy spawn to 20% (max power)


Made enemy resource drops faster

Polished up enemy drop behaivior and look

Polished up dying on combat

Enemy dropped resources are darker to make the combat less noisy visually

Squad UI character level text now gets drawn above the character head, some characters blocked the text with hair or ears


Made the resource give sequence on the drill minigame way faster


Corrected argonian apperance head sprite

Fixed bug that made character combat buttons be faded out

Fixed bug that made combat end on death be delayed if there were resources present on the screen

Added safeguard to avoid combat starting again if multiple enemy blocks get destroyed at the same time


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