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It's been a strange day today but a number of things happend.

One, I saw an artist I follow who had horrible medical stuff happen. I confessed something on their  that had happend to me when I was a kid medically, how it nearly killed me and how incredibly happy and lucky I was to have an NHS because my family had no money so the fact I was cured/saved and didn't have to pay was so special. Imagine my surprise to get a horrible confrontational reply from that artist basically telling me to fuck off and they didn't agree with what I posted.

I breathed in through my nose and out through my mouth, simply deleated my comment, unfollowed them and won't ever follow them again. They are obviously fucked in the noodle pan.

Then I could have booked in for a comic convention , but I decided not to because I wanted to work on Patreon comics and art and commissions. So after I finished 2 Patreon reward comics today, ironically on the day of this convention I went to check it out since it was a local small one. 

It was aweful, but a freind was there and when they asked why I wasn't I explained I had alot of work to do on Patreon and she was soooooo enthusiastic. It was nice to hear someone saying I did the right thing. I choose you guys who have put your faith, money and interest in me and my work over some daft comic convention . I would choose you over a convention a million times because you chose me like that and I freaking appriciating that.

This rude artist on Instagram has over eighteen thousand followers or something. And she's being rude as fuckery to me and others... I've got four thousand and I try to reply to every single comment with politeness and helpfulness. And I have 7 amazing patreons who are kind and patient waiting for their art, helping me when my scanner is freaking out. You guys give me financial help, but you also give me confidence and belife in my work and myself. 

After a number of strange events, seriously I stood in catpoo a couple of times, you have to step back and see who really appciates you, who believes in you and helps you and you see you made the right choices, even when it's alot of hard work in some respects.

(Okay drawing comics and HarleyQuinn flashing her boobies isn't hard work like being a builder or police man, I mean hard work as in I'm sat up in bed at night inking pages and drawing covers so I can start a fresh comic the next day).

Okay medically when I was a kid my appendix exploded, burning through my insides for a week and nearly killed me, I was in hospital for months and died and was brought back while they saved my life. I got very lucky. The internet didn't exist then and schools didn't have computers lol it was that long ago haha.

So anyway, thankyou. Your crazy if you managed to read all this


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