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POWERRANGERS RANGER SLAYER ISSUE 1 I refuse to buy these mass million printed company comics for £7.99 BUT FUCKERS I like this artist, I follow him AND I became a PR fan over the last few years. This is a good comic, it's got action, and so on. Basically Lord drakkon (evil Tommy) who killed Rita and took the power coins to create an evil power ranger commando army and take over the world has gone missing (due to a past storyline) and this comic returns to that world. In turmoil. Kimberly is the dark pink ranger, the ranger slayer. She was brainwashed to be evil but turned good again and must unite the resistance and the PRArmyto defeat an undead army. Its 40 pages so bigger and a stand alone universe. It's helped if you read shattered grid and know who the ranger slayer is but you don't need to to read this comic. This is PR in a very different way. Imagine if luke skywalker had killed vader and the emperor and taken over the empire... But the storm troopers were power ranger commandoes



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