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I'll admit I found the end confusing, is Zack alive!!! What did cloud do with seven seconds, the long drawn out conversation that went no where untill Aerith just gave up and kept shaking her head. Wedge is never seen again but they saved Charlie sheen, err I mean Biggs but Jessie is still dead. I defeated Sephroth with Tifas dolphin limit break which was poetic since she's my fav. It seemed like the team was in another dimension and then their outside the city, but why did zack see the fate whispers as well. That fucking motorbike robot killed me five times, I beat him on the sixth go. I expected alot more, well, different things. Japanese storys NEVER HAVE a proper ending but this was so fucking abstract and I should know what's going on because I played the original. I don't feel like I missed out getting the £50 standard instead of the big edition tho I would have liked that artbook 😭 and swag. I missed 1 record in the jukebox arghhh.



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