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There's only 11 cottages in my villige and I've lived here over twenty years, last night after I got into bed at something past midnight there was a huge explosion. I looked out my window across the villige and fields, nothing. Then I heard my dad wobble downstairs and found my mum looking out her window, one of the other cottages was an inferno, fire was climbing In to the small woodland strips and giant burning embers were drifting into everyone's gardens and houses. We rang the fire brigade, it was a new couple who had tarmacked over their cottige garden, put a shipping container in and rebuilt cars and motorbikes. On sunny days they blast music across the villige, but their two woofers are Freinds of my bramble dog. All the criminals and cutthroat came out in the villige to huddle together, stare and talk bullshit and lies, so I kept my family indoors, who knows if any of them outside had the dredded germs. The fire brigade were there putting it all out in the middle of the night. Covid really altered my instincts.. Normally I rush in to help animals, but now I had to worry what I would bring back on me to my family



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