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Okay I should have explained last month when I did all the sexy art of the girls lol. You don't need to know or watch any other PR show to enjoy Samurai. In ancient Japan Nilock (I carnt spell it lol) demons want to take over the earth, they live in another dimension. A flooded dimension with a dark blood ocean. In our world they dry up and crack, having to return to their own world and get wet. The more misery and evil they spread in our world, the deeper their ocean rises untill one day they can flood our world. So they sneak in, curse people, do demon deals, steal souls etc. The only people opposing them are the PowerRangers Samurai, these gifts and dutys are passed down from parent to child (the modern ones are the 18th generation). So their all raised from birth to be samurai warriors fighting the Nilock with their SpinSwords (samurai swords that you put powerdisks on). Each samurai is an element... The red ranger fire, Green Forest, Pink Wind, Blue Ocean, Yellow Earth and they all inherit folding Zords. These Zords are small robot creatures. They can turn into a symbol/charm and also turn into Giant Zords. Those Zords can combine into the giant robot -the samurai megazord. Because when a Nilock is slain, they can be reborn giant bigger than a building lol. Master Xandred is the current Nilock lord,aided by Octoru and loads of Nilock demons as well as their goons the Moogers. That's the show in a nutshell. There are 3 female PowerRangers Red, Pink and Yellow Lauren, Mia and Emily. Plus four blokes Red, Green, Blue and Gold as well as their teacher/master. The RedRanger has a Lion Zord, Green a Bear, Blue a Dragon, Yellow a Monkey, Pink a Turtle and Gold a Lobster.... Yes a giant lobster Zord sounds crazy but it kinda worked as a double sword welding Magazrd lol.



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