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While I've had this horrible cold and been to fucked to draw I've been curled up on the sofa for the last few days looking at my old comics of Wolverine and the X-Men by Chris Bachelor, one of my fav comic series. Some of the issues around 10-12 deal with Avengers VS X-Men and in my delirium I started thinking... How would I handle a little comic of Avengers VS Booman and his team. FlagForce or even a different named team for it. I remembered the civil war comics, Ironman's avengers have tried to bully everyone at some point. Coming up with a reason they were fighting that was original and funny, logical was the craziest part. Then instead of thinking "how epic would it be" I started thinking like I WAS Booman. I was guessing which Avengers Ironarse would bring and who would be on my side, who could take on who... Maybe being full of mind bending coldbug and a temperature made it all the more realistic and then watching Cap CivalWar on netflix didn't help 😂😵😰🤒 I was starting to plan how to take down wolverine and Hulk, what to do about that armour and where to fight lol. Who did I have to stand against Vision without cheating of course. Un-Civial War... There will be name-calling. 😭😝😴


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