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I've gotta admit, I've been reading manga for a long time, hell I worked in a comic shop, but I didn't know what the word Doushinji (I think I spelt it wrong) actually meant. BUT I've seen Evangelion comics and such that weren't official... So i finally looked it up and discoverd what Americans and the UK say are fanfics and are kind of looked down on are considered awesome in Japan. It means self published and refers to artists, professionals and beginners making limited edition self published comics based on series like Evangelion or whatever. They have massive conventions where artists trade them and sell them. The fact they only produce ten or fifty makes them even rarer and because of their limited availability the company's don't mind. That's what I do with my comics, I print small amounts and sign them, sketch in them. Well it turns out I've got a short Evangelion Rei comic I drew but never finished and I thought.... How cool would it be to make a Doushinji!!! So I just drew and painted this possible cover. Gotta word the pages and then put it up on Patreon for you all to enjoy.



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