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Hi Everyone :D 

Sorry for the big delay, i didn't draw much the last week of December and don't do many commissions this month :P
I did more practice, studies and random stuff, probably you won't see many interesting things and the winner of the previous poll, I hope you like them :D

also, I sketched 3 mini-comics, so I'll be working the rest of the month and the next month to finish them, at least one, because I want to upload all the pages in one update and not by pieces like the other comics, so probably won't be many drawings  until I finish the comics, I hope you got me patience D:

I think that is all for now, thank you for your support I really appreciate it :D
Stay safe and have some wonderful days!!! :D



very looking forward for dota 2 comics


All of these look extraordinary and sexy as fuck! Thank you so very much for all of your hard work my god emperor of awesomeness friend! And no worries. *yetihug*


Tortuga, I seriously laughed seeing Tera getting ticketed and just placing the tickets on her breasts.