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hi everyone :D

like in the previous month, these days I'm trying to do more than 3 sketches from the suggestions thanks to the quarantine so I hope you like them because it was a lot of work XD


  • Daphne and Velma comic
  • Dexter's mom
  • Ivy Valentine
  • Jessica Rabbit
  • kill la kill character
  • Lea, Shizuka
  • LOL - Tristana Puppy Lulu
  • Rikja Connor (OCs)
  • the witness

those are the suggestions I did and added the drawings for tier 3, finally the QoP bimbofication and the final pages of the fembois, I have in mind another adventure for those but I need to think how I'm gonna do it,  also, some drawings won't participate in the poll, Daphne and Velma because that's a comic and I plan to finish it later and templar assassin won't participate because the person in tier 3 thinks is finished :D

I didn't want to pick 3 so I just put all so vote for your favorite and let the best win :D

also, only one vote per person

by last I did some changes in the folder, I just combined the comics and minicomic folders and changed the name in some of them :)

I think that's all, have some wonderful days and stay safe!!! :D



Is that doodle of a dog seriously going to win this poll?


It was a good fight, Guts.


Mood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e63cgsxMRdk