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hi everyone :D

sorry for the delay, i added some finished drawings, colors sheets and sketches to the folder i hope you like them :D

some plans for the next month.

  • I’m really enjoying drawing Dharkan and Nadeem, Lina, CM and Invoker and the sinful so I hope you like them too :)
  • I will add a third femboy to Dharkan and Nadeem “adventures” for that reason the color sheet so if you like them, you can expect more drawings
  • i almost finish with Lina, CM, and Invoker so I was thinking on changing the females since they will have another mini-comic with the monster
  • for the sinful, I will be inking the last pages these days, to upload the for the next update, but after thinking some time about it, when I finish the current pages I decided to change to standard comic format(vertical) because I don’t like how the panels are looking.

also, I will do some changes on my discord server, to make it more patrons exclusive so if you don’t have linked your discord to Patreon this is the time to do it

and by last, i'l start again with the DOTA bimbofications, that Queen of pain is waiting for me :D

I think that is all, thank you for all your support and for don’t share the drawings I really appreciate it :)

have some wonderful days and stay safe!!!! :D



Yaaaay QOP in the making


Next Luna and Lanaya (or Mirana) please, always fun to see those religious girls to be broken :)


glad to hear it


always up too llina and CM, and Can you Do Legion commander :)? you didnt draw her for long time . P.s Tnx for update its great as always