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Hi everyone :)

well the patreon is active again so is time to come back anf try again

well, i'm making some changes than probably some of you don't like

first change

now all my drawings come with my logo, and a link to patreon, at least with that if someone shares the drawings, the people will know where to find me


second change

I've created 3 folder with all my drawings but different resolutions

  • PATREON LR - this folder is the lower resolutions a max of 1000 px  and every drawing have a big watermark, but don't worry this folder is just to have a folder in discord or if someone new request the folder to see the drawings
  • PATREON MR - this folder is for the tier one or $1 USD, this folder conteins all my drawings with a max of 1600 px
  • PATREON HR - this one is for tier two or $3 USD, all my drawing with the normal resolution

so those are the folder, i hope isn't a problem for you :)

third change

i added a new tier, tier 3 or $35 USD, i'll do a sketch of your idea with flat color and some simple lights and shadows, with some limits obviously, for example, i won't do a sketch with 10 characters :D

and will be limited to 3 slots, to see how it works

a little example:

fourth change

the suggestions for tier one has been removed and i put a limit on suggestions for tier 2, i only will do 3 sketches every month, also the drawings of tier 3 can participate in the poll

fifth change

i will send the folder after the charges of the month has been processed, that probably will be  the 2nd or 3rd day of every month

Well, i think that is all, so i hope is fine for you, before i forget, my patreon will start doing charges until December 1st so don't worry for this month :)

have a great day and happy Halloween or Dia de Muertos!!!



I’m not sure if I get it about tier 35$. Are you going to draw a simple sketch for them every month, or just once? Missed you man. Glad to see ya


Finally back! Gimme dat 35$ slot :>


I'm glad you finally decided to take it seriously. Good luck.


Welcome back!


I like logo is cute


Damn its good to see your art again ! And too bad for me I was too slow to get that sweet tier 3 slot :D