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Greetings! I wanted to write a quick note and let you know that the scene - which will comprise 10.3 - isn't done yet. I've got a draft of the script and the shots are planned out, but there's still quite a bit left to do in making the renders. I'm hoping to have it done before the end of the month, but if it looks like that isn't going to happen I'll let you know.

The scene involves two Anas as promised, but they're not exactly the same Ana. One represents her id (the "bad" Ana) and the other her superego ("good" Ana.) (We're doing Freud this time around; maybe Jung for another release?)

Oh, as of right now the trigger for the scene will be this weird doohickey you buy from Boss Kobold with a shinestone. Currently, I think the only shinestone in the game is in the super-hard puzzle room in the second Oracle visit... which you'll bypass if you used easy mode. There'll be others in the future, though. If enough folks don't like that I can drop the shinestone requirement.

Think it'll be a fun scene; hopefully I can get that to come across in the renders. And hopefully you'll like it! Thank you for your support!



hmm....not 3 Ana`s, the good, the bad and the normal Ana ? ✌️


Gotta do Eros, Logos, and Thumos next. Pleasure loving, truth loving and ideal loving Anas. I wonder how that would factor out in sex? Maybe just domming the fuck out of Alex with different aims/methods.