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Greetings! 10.3 was originally slated to be the first Commercial District release, but after some consideration I've decided to make the next two releases H-scene releases (that is, consisting only/mostly of an H-scene.) The plan is to have the first of these out in mid-September and the second in late October. For the reasons behind this, read on - and if you just want to get to the poll, it's at the bottom!

Revising the Schedule

Working my current job, I'm not able to have the long, uninterrupted periods of work time that serious writing requires. There are a lot of things in the Commercial District release that will affect relationship/character development, and I want to make sure I've thought about them long and hard before introducing them into the game. The Commercial District release will probably turn out much better if it's completed once I'm no longer working the job - and it ends in late October, so it's not that far away. Rather than piddle around until then with a bunch of stuff I'll probably end up throwing out, it occurred to me that I could do something useful with this time - make more H-scenes! People often complain there aren't enough of them, and putting out two in a row would certainly help with that! And, to be honest, I'd also like to work on art a bit more.

So, the plan is to make 10.3 and 10.4 H-scene releases, then have 10.5 be the Commercial District release. And since a lot of work has already been done on the Commercial District, I may have all the buildings available in 10.5, rather than split them over two releases like was originally planned. 10.3 will hopefully be out in mid-September, and 10.4 late October.

H-Scene Choices

Ana hasn't gotten enough love lately, so she features pretty heavily in these. Here's the choices for the first one:

The Black Room: The two reserve the special S/M room at the Playroom for some dom/sub fun. Maybe this one has two variants, one for sub Alex, one for domme Alex. Could either go with a serious or humorous take (or probably one blending into the other.)

Out and About: Alex and Ana are out shopping, and through some combination of Ana noticing all sorts of cuties she'd like to bone and Alex unintentionally (or intentionally) enticing her, Ana ends up with a raging boner. Alex decides to help her (perhaps with some persuasion, perhaps with Alex persuading Ana) and the two run off to a dark alcove to take care of it. Will anyone see them?

Irregular Conjugation: In a trip to the Playroom, Sami turns Alex temporarily back to their original form - but not Ana. After a great deal of pleading from Ana, Alex agrees to take it the only way he now can. (Sami only makes a cameo in this scene. In case it wasn't obvious, this would be a futa x male scene.)

Magical Girl Alex: A dream scene in which Alex, facing evil, turns into a magical girl. Unfortunately, Sailor Alex isn't able to defeat the baddies... (May feature monsters/tentacles, as well as Ana, Val and maybe some other characters.)

Double Ana-tendre: Ana gets duplicated somehow and Alex ends up with two of them to deal with.

Hopefully you see at least one of them that sounds interesting. You may see some of these in the next poll, especially if they do well but don't quite win. The poll will be up for 8 days - I generally like to leave them up longer, but I want to start work on it relatively soon. And as before, the votes from both sites will be added to get the winning total, so what you see here may not necessarily reflect the true state of the poll. Please let me know what you think, and thank you for your support!



🤭 Again tought choice to make, i like Alex as Magical Girl but Alex (as man ) and Ana together without Sami i dont like it ( i remember Alex as man have sex with Sami and after it was a pleasure for Alex😋 ) The other choce are good too.....✌️ hmm, Ana get duplicated, nice idea, why not a foursome 2 Ana and Shiri😋 ? or is this too much for Alex ?


"Out and About" and "Irregular Conjugation" are interesting, but it can't beat having 2 Ana for the price of one :-)


I get the feeling that "Out and About" is winding up as a lot of people's second choice


Because of her personality, Shiri's tough to involve in H-scenes. I honestly have a hard time thinking of any other scenes I could involve her in while staying true to her character. But she can be in dream scenes!