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Greetings! The poll results are in... and it looks like Group Heal won!

Hehe. I owed you the results of the Alex ability poll, too, so there they are. Not terribly surprising, only being able to heal 1 target at a time is an obvious gap in Alex's abilities. So, you can expect him/her to be able to do that at some point in Chapter 11. And you can expect similar polls for Ana and Emily, too!

But that's probably not what most of you are here for. Futa Magic won the H-scene poll by a pretty good margin, so it's going to be the H-scene for 10.2. The results were as follows (adding results from both sites together):

  • Futa Magic: 39 votes, 35.8% of the total
  • Party Favor: 27 votes, 24.8%
  • Making Up: 20 votes, 18.3%
  • A Well-Appointed Room: 18 votes, 16.5%
  • Role Reversal: 5 votes, 4.6%

I realized I probably shouldn't have listed 2 Ana scenes since that would split the Ana vote, but even if you add both of them together they still don't quite beat Futa Magic. Not to worry, though - you'll see another Ana scene at some point in the not-too-distant future. "Dress up with Val" will be the scene after Futa Magic, but beyond that things start opening up again. There's a dream scene I want to do when I get everything set up with Blender, another Ana scene (that would probably be better after 10.3, anyway) maybe a scene with Rose, and I can see that Party Favor was pretty popular...

I'll be starting work on Futa Magic tomorrow. I'm going to try something slightly different with this one; usually, I write out a narrative for the scene first, then plan the shots, set them up and render them, and then actually write the dialogue. Sometimes, in the course of writing dialogue, certain parts end up being important or hot that I hadn't previously planned on, leaving me without images for them. This time I'm going to write the dialogue first before planning shots - hopefully it'll help make the scene sexier overall.

Anyway, that's all I have for now. 10.2 will consist of just the H-scene, so you can expect another release when it's done. Don't feel too down if your choice didn't win, and thank you for your support!



I hope it's permanent >: D

bob billion

yeah I would hope shiri keeps the penis


Maybe a were-penis. Every full moon she transforms and goes on a rampage:)


Still need to get Emily involved sometime.


I agree! Unfortunately it’s going to have to wait until I get fully set up in Blender. Her hair looks pretty decent in Blender, but pretty bad in Daz.