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Greetings! First, I want to wish all of you a happy new year! Hopefully this will be a year of growth and good fortune for all of us. So celebrate, have some fun, and get ready for the year ahead!

The other thing I'm writing to let you know is that the release isn't done yet. I'd hoped to have it ready before Christmas, then before the end of the year, but I haven't quite managed to finish everything yet. I'm still working on the last quest, and then there's some polishing left to do, and... well, it's got a bit of work left on it. I'll have it out in January come Hell or high water, though exactly when in January I'm not yet sure. 

Because I announced a December release date, I'll make sure everyone who was a $5+ supporter in December gets it. If you're no longer a supporter of that tier in January, and you don't get it messaged to you when it comes out, just hit me up in Discord or on TFGS and I'll send you a link. The same goes for $10+ December supporters and the new picture pack. I'm very sorry I couldn't meet the goal, and I want to make it up to everyone who expected it this month.

Thank you very much for your patience and your support. The next year will bring a lot of big changes in my personal life, and I'm hopeful it will have a positive impact on development. Hopefully this will be a great year for you, too - and if it's not, let's do our best to make it that way! Happy New Year!


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