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Greetings! There aren't any major milestones to report, but I wanted to check in with all of you - and give you another teaser for the upcoming H-scene ;) Work continues on The Hell's quest; I'd hoped to have all the pre-dungeon writing done, but it isn't quite there yet. I did finish the mapping, though, and got some art stuff done as well.

Writing is sometimes a challenge; if I'm not feeling particularly inspired, I'll start writing about what I want to write about - planning stuff out, trying to clarify what I want out of the scene, brainstorming funny or interesting ideas, that sort of thing. It's a planning technique, but it's also sort of a trick to try to get my brain into writing mode. Sometimes it works, but other times I just end up with a few thousand words of prose of questionable value. For me at least, writing seems to work best when I have a rough idea of what I want out of a scene, but without too many of the details filled in, because the best ideas seem to come in the process of writing the dialogue itself.

On the art front, I got Yulia's portrait and her character view renders done, and I also started work on the promo image for 0.10. I only started doing promos in 0.7, but I've been trying to choose a particularly interesting or important scene from the release to dramatize with an image. There are a couple of interesting choices with this release, so it's been hard to narrow down, but I've tentatively decided to go with one, at least until I can see what it looks like. It's times like these that make me yearn for when all the important characters have Blender models so I can do the images there. Blender has a lot of tools for doing visual effects (particles, fire, smoke, etc) and these would really help the images look like what I imagine. And we will get there - but after the release is done!

So I need to finish up the pre-dungeon writing - which I hope to do this week - and then make the small-ish dungeon, which also has an interesting scene I need to write at the end - and then the quest will be done. That's all I have for you this time - thank you for your support!




These keep looking better and better.


Probably not. The game itself tries to give the player a pretty good idea of what they should be doing at any given time. The only thing that’s a little hard to find is Ned’s hat, which gates a fair bit of content, but that’s sort of intentional. It may be difficult to find some of the H-scenes… I don’t know, I probably won’t make a walkthrough, but I may see about making the hints in the recollection room more helpful.