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I'm very sorry, but I have not yet finished the release. I'd really wanted to have it out by the end of the month, and thought it was possible, but I did not finish. Since I'd said it would be released this month and it was not, I'll be sending out a link for the release to everyone who was a $5+ patron this month (via Patreon's messaging system), so you won't have to stay a supporter next month to get it. I think the release is 2 weeks away (I'll talk more about that below.) I *will*, however, be posting the Picture Pack for 0.9 shortly after I post this, so if you're in one of the higher tiers, enjoy the sneak preview :)

Where am I at on the release? I just finished (finally) the long quest I've been talking about for a while now. Last time I'd said that I was going to drop a smaller quest I'd been toying with in order to get the release out quicker, but in finishing up the long quest, I realized I needed the smaller one for plot purposes. So, I need to do that, then I can wrap up loose ends and polish the release.

Now, the small quest actually will be small. The long quest took forever because there were a lot of conversations, a lot of cutscenes and a lot of characters (not to mention a boss battle.) The small quest won't have any of those things; the gameplay will be a minigame that's very similar to one I've done before, and it's something I can do/did with events rather than needing to code something. I also don't need to do much thinking about the plot, since I already know what needs to happen in the quest. I'm pretty confident this quest won't take very long.

I think the long quest really does take the crown for "longest quest" - it has 24 objectives! I probably should have broken it into 2-3 quests, but it's too late now. Anyway, I'm pretty hopeful it'll be fun. I like a lot of the characters in it, there are some funny bits, I'm fairly pleased with how the boss battle turned out, the plot is hopefully interesting, and it sets up a few things for the long-term plot.

Just to give an idea of what to expect, here's what you'll find in 0.9:

  • 2 new H-scenes
  • The Military District opens
  • An evening out at the nightclub
  • ... and a charming noblewoman with a secret
  • The conclusion of the Ned Danger quest (and the opening of a new one!)
  • Alex uncovers a mystery as s/he tries to get Sourfang's help against the dragon
  • A new party member!
  • ... Who promptly gets into trouble
  • Character View feature (along with a bunch of new renders)
  • Transmogrification
  • Expanded equipment slots
  • A small dungeon and two boss battles!

I think it's going to be good. I don't think it will have been worth the wait, but I think it'll be good. Hopefully you'll feel the same way. 

As I'd said above, if you were a $5+ patron this month, I'll send you the link when it's out - you don't have to stay on another month to get it. I'm very sorry about failing to meet the release date. And whether you stay or go, thank you for your support!


Dark Rooster

No worries on the wait. Life gets in the way, you know fires, pandemics, mother-in-laws, your basic 2020 catastrophies. I cant wait for the update. I also think its super cool of you to offer the link to the $5+ even if they dont stick around next month. I for one, will still be here. Be well buddy.


I agree that it’s extremely generous of you for the offer, but I think you’re too harsh on yourself. You made it very clear that the release date mentioned was not set in stone and only to give fans/supporters a rough estimate. You produce excellent work and people who’ve supported you for a while know what you went through with the 0.8 release. (Coming very close to quitting and losing all motivation) I know ideally you would like this game to be playable without the h scenes and you have done a great job with that! Personally I like the h scenes and wish there were more, possibly even repetitive ones, as much as the story and game play is fantastic, many people only play for the h scenes.

Jacob A

I don't think your current base of supporters/patrons is so whimsical and/or greedy to really consider this. At least I don't. I'm low tier, but I'll stick around, continue to support and wait for a quality product.


Hey ! My mother-in-laws is one on the finest woman on Earth. But I agree with the other stuff :-) And I'm not in the $5+ tier, but I also agree it's a cool offer. I hope they will stick with this project.


We are here to support you as a creator, supporting someone means to support them... whether that's through constant releases or missing release dates, this platform is for people to create content for an audience that likes said content. You are at no point needed to impose a deadline on yourself! Give yourself a break your work is really really good and you keep us informed on a regular basis. So do not be so hard on yourself, anyone who wishes to impose deadlines on you should not be on this site anyway and is not what this site stands for.