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Greetings! I've decided to reassign one of the remaining quests for this release to 0.10. This means I have 2 quests remaining for 0.9, one of which I'm working on right now. The reason I put off the other one is pretty straightforward: the quest I'm currently working on is shaping up to be larger than I'd originally planned. 

This quest accomplishes the plot goal of this release, which basically makes it the centerpiece, so I'm okay with it being big. My original plans for it were sort of vague and not very exciting, but after working with it for a while I think I've come up with something that's both interesting and fun, and I was pretty loath to prune it down. One thing I really liked about 0.8 was how the quests were each a self-contained little story. I would like to keep that feel in a lot of the quests going forward, and this one definitely has it.

The quest involves a lot of exploring and conversation, a boss battle and perhaps a little combat outside of that. I foolishly said I wouldn't be including any more boss battles in this release, but my concept absolutely calls for one. Please forgive! At least there's not a dungeon!

I'm currently finishing up mapping for the quest, so it's probably a good time to talk about that. One thing that stood out in the playthrough I talked about last time was mapping. It started off bad and got a little better as time went on, but most of it still isn't very good. I see it as one of the big deficiencies of the game, actually, so this time around I'm trying to pay more attention to it. Oddly enough it's hard to find good articles on mapping, but I've been reading what I could on the subject (please let me know if you have any suggestions!) So hopefully mapping will be better in this release. I'll probably go back and improve the older maps when I do the port over to RPG Maker MZ, which I expect will happen around 0.11.

So, my to-do list for 0.9 basically looks like this:

  •  Finish current quest
  • Create final quest
  • Tie up loose ends (conversations, mapping, a couple more renders, and a bunch of miscellaneous tasks)
  • Playtest and revise

And then it'll finally be done! I still have a bit to go on the current quest, but the next quest won't be very long. I'll announce a release date when I start the playtesting part. That's all I have for this time; thank you for your support!


Giles Corey

Choosing to push a quest into next release in order to make the plot quest of this update more chunky seems like a solid move. Keep up the good work. I can't wait for the update.