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I'm finally done with the first pic from 0.9's second H-scene; I hope you guys like it! I apologize for the delay (and to Hayao Miyazaki for the title.) I vacillated between two different environments (I even did test renders for the other) before finally settling on this one. Then I was like 'this environment's a little boring, maybe I can make it more interesting with lighting effects!' So I played around with a bunch of lights I hadn't used before (ones with IES profiles, for you 3D folks, architects or interior designers out there) and finally got something I was happy with. This is probably the most complicated lighting setup I've ever done, and that translated into the longest render time I've ever had on my current setup. At any rate, I'm fairly happy with it. Alex and Ana don't look nearly as interesting as Sami does, but Sami's the star of this shot, anyway.

If it looks oversaturated, try blowing it up, or better yet download it and view it in a properly color-managed app (Note: Windows' built-in photo app is not properly color managed). It should be fairly saturated, but not like an acid trip in a glowstick factory. For Windows peeps, I recommend and use IrfanView (with the color management plugin.) OSX does color right from the ground up, so you Mac folks should be fine no matter what you use :)

I'm not done with writing yet; I was sort of inspired to start work on the second H-scene after doing that omake pic of Sami last time, and I figured you guys would appreciate something nice to look at. I think I'll bounce between writing and working on the second scene's pics until one or both are done. After seeing how long the render for this took - not to mention the postwork -  I realize it'd be nuts to save the art for the end. This way, I'll be able to render while I'm sleeping/gone, and still get both writing and art done.

Anyway, that's all I have for now. I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend, and thank you for your support!




Actually, now that I think about it, maybe I should have lit Alex and Ana in blue-ish tones to contrast with the warmly-lit Sami. They are more or less background in this shot. Don't worry, though, if I decide to change it I can fix it in post (I wouldn't need to re-render.)


Hoo boy! Is that just a flattering angle or did Sami's assets get buffed?


It's the same model. She's always had big boobs I think, but both the pose and new outfit accentuate it, while her old one didn't.


Makes sense, this is the sheerest thing she's worn. Looks great.